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My Survival Story Fighting Against Breast Cancer Stage 3

Hearing the name of Breast Cancer, it comes to the mind of the people that it can't be healed or can't be healed completely, but it is completely cured by the diagnosis and treatment at the right time.

I am Sarika. I live in Ludhiana, Punjab (India). I diagnosed with breast cancer in year 2015, just turned 32, had caring husband (Aman) and sweet four- years old daughter (Anika). Life seemed to be going well.

One day while in the shower, I felt a lump in my right breast. I assumed that I was imagining it and was worrying for no reason. I ignored it for a few days and continued with my daily routines.

I could feel the lump every day. So I had discussed with my husband. We had consult a gynecologist, after examined she said don’t be fear it's just fiber tissue. So we ignored it for a few days and continued with our daily routines.

Summer vacation had just started. I had visited my home town (Kullu) with my brother and sister. We were getting ready to go to our aunt’s retirement party when I felt the lump again.  

I decided to visit Dr. Naru, one of the best doctor in distt. Kullu (HP). Dr. Naru hesitated a little bit after checking me. This got me extremely worried. She said, “I am not too sure, I think you should consult a surgeon. I looked at her with a curious eye and asked, “You mean, it might be some serious issue. She said “I am not sure, I think it’s better to get a test done before assuming anything serious”. 

I returned back to Ludhiana. Now, it was almost a week, and I could feel the lump again & again. I had no idea that I was suffered with this deadly disease (Breast Cancer). But my husband aware this situation. 

We had visited Christian Medical Institution and Hospital (CMC)  Ludhiana and consult Surgeon Dr. N K Chaudhary. Doctor Neeta And Dr Ranji Methew (Asst. Doctor) perform a breast exam and, sure enough, they felt the lump. They scheduled me for an Ultrasound and FNAC

During Ultrasound and FNAC,  I asked the doctor is everything was alright. But they said that you will have to wait till the reports comes. I couldn't understand why I am getting so many tests. After two days we collected the report and met the doctor. Doctor Chaudhary said that we didn't 100% sure from FNAC report, you will have to do biopsy. At that time I Didn’t even know A, B, C of Biopsy

During biopsy I was praying that the report came out right. I was afraid to take report what the result would bring. Each & every moments      before the final report came, I was praying to God that everything should be fixed. But God thought of something else for me. After seeing the report, the doctor said  that you had breast cancer.

I was diagnosed with Stage -3 Breast Cancer in my right breast in the month of June 2015. My eyes filled with tears and fear. Tears were coming out of my eyes and not stopping. Aman looked at me and said, Sarika why are you crying? Don't be afraid. All is well. You wait outside for a while, I have to talk to Doctor. I couldn't understand anything that time what Aman was saying. I could not even get the voice out of my throat.
Aman was encouraging me that it’s not a big deal, dear. You don't take any kind of stress. My surgeon Dr. NK. Chaudhary also said to me “Don’t be worried. You should be happy that it diagnosed early. Early diagnosis is  a plus point. The cancer is at a stage when it can be cured & treated. After treatment you can be back to your  normal life”. Now you get ready your mindset for further treatment. You will be prepared for both minor or major surgery. We came out of the hospital. 

 I was scared what will be happen now. I don’t want to do my treatment. I had so many questions that time. How did this happened to me? Why me? Why? I cried, cried and cried. That time I was not mentally prepared.

We went home and told my sisters and parents. Everyone gave me courage and said, Sarika, don’t be afraid, everything will be fine. God will all do well.  

In those days My elder sister’s family also lived in Ludhiana. They supported me a lot. I still remember that Jiju (sister's husband) took us their home on his birthday (June 24). He said that You can’t leave until your treatment is done. 

Aman tried to convince me and said that we take second opinion from another doctor. We took a second opinion from senior Surgeon Dr. Sandhu (Fortis Hospital). But he also had a same suggestion. I was still thinking of magic. We took third opinion from another doctor. Now I understood that nothing can happen.

Aman said to me don’t take any kind of tension. We will take the decision that is best for you. I understood what Aman was feeling inside. He was crying from inside; I could read his expressions. My whole life was In-front of me. I repeatedly saw the innocent face of my four-year- daughter (Anika). She always asked me! Muma, why are you going to the hospital again and again? I don’t feel good without you. My sisters and Parents took care of my little daughter during my entire journey fighting against Breast Cancer.

Thank God I was surrounded with wonderful support system without whom I don’t know how would made it through. 

My husband(Aman), daughter,  and family members are my reasons behind fighting against Breast Cancer as hard as I can. My all family members, near and dear one  motivated me. That moment I knew the battle was on. This attitude of mine along with family support made me strong and we were ready to overcome everything that came our way. I cut down my long hair before surgery. 

So, my journey fighting against Breast Cancer had just started in Christian Medical hospital and Institution (Ludhiana). The day before surgery we clicked lot of pictures in hospital room. June 30, 2015 is the day when surgery had scheduled.

Early morning, I was taken to the operation theater. The team of the doctors were standing around me. I didn't know when I went into unconsciousness while taking to my surgeon Dr. NK Chaudhary. Few hours later I woke up in the recovery room  and the pain wasn't as bad as I expected. The first person I saw was Aman with smiled face and the news were great. The surgery was successful. The  chemo-port also inserted during surgery. The second person was my cousin (Nitika) whom I saw in recovery room (ICU) after Aman. I saw my cousin (Ritika) and sister Meenakshi for a moment while going through the scan. I still remember your teary eyes dear Reenu. I asked her, why you are crying ? I am fine dear. My sister, brother and Daddy waiting for their turn outside the recovery room.

I was shifted to special ward in evening. I met everyone  including my daughter (Anika) in our personal room. Anika was very upset to see me. She said, Papa I don't want to go with Masi (sister). I missed you both badly. I want to live with muma. She went back home very hardly. After that I met my mummy  whose eyes were filled with tears. I looked at mummy and said, don't be cry, I am fine. She said,  these were tears of joy.  After a week we got discharged from the hospital. First phase of treatment was over. After four- weeks it was the time for second phase (hard one) of treatment i.e Chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy had just started in Dayanand Medical College and hospital (DMC). We had visited DMC hospital and met Dr. Kunal Jain (Oncologist). Doctor Kunal  Jain explained us about side effects of chemotherapy.

I had 8 round of chemotherapy and 25 round of radiations (Radiotherapy).

Today, being a Breast Cancer survivor, I thank My Husband Er. Amandeep Superan, My Family Members and Dr. Kunal Jain (Oncologist), Dr. NK Chaudhary (Surgeon), Dr. Sandhya(Radiologist) for helping me take the most important and timely decision of my life.

I have chosen to write my blog as about my diagnosis, my treatment with cancer. I want to tell dear Pink Ribbon sisters that you are not alone in the journey of fighting  against Breast Cancer. I am always with you all.

At last but not least for any other queries you can comment on comment box and contact by e-mails, Instagram & Pinterest (reply2sarika) account .


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